Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Superb large catfish

Superb large catfish. 8 feet 2 inches. The weight of him in the 97 kilogram. It was bad when I finished it marries feast. Congratulations to the fathers 56 years of successful on catching catfish. And a half hours to my fight I raise fish. It's great!

Barcelona - A 54-year-old grandmother from Britain and the blind eyes, Sheila Penfold create a record for women when he managed the largest fishing catfish weighs 97 kilograms (kg) in the Spanish newspaper reported The Daily Telegraph yesterday.He is assisted by her husband, Alan, and his son, Arthur fishing, takes 30 minutes struggling to pull on the banks of the Ebro River him fishing near here recently.
Fishing Records Committee Britain confirmed, the arrest was made by the greatest British woman to overcome before this record by Bev Street, 46, who was fishing catfish weighing 32kg.
It is also a record for women's fishing in Spain, but the family was releasing the fish back into the water.

The family who live in Wandsworth, London claimed catfish size 2:48 m long and fishing from the banks of the river on three separate stem rod. - Agencies

Credit: kosmo.com.my

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